s.230 of the Communications Decency Act – Gonzalez v Google No.21-1333, an upcoming challenge to Internet platforms protections – Citation – US – The Associated Press

The Associated Press has highlighted, in a long-read, a legal case which looks to challenge the protection of internet platforms under s.230 of the Communications Decency Act.

The Supreme Court case concerns liability for YouTube suggestions which are argued helped the Islamic State recruit. The case is brought by the family of Nohemi Gonzalez who tragically lost her life in a terrorist attack in Paris.

The case is due to be heard on Tuesday 21 February.

See here for the article and for more details see the SCOTUS blog.

“Issue: Whether Section 230(c)(1) of the Communications Decency Act immunizes interactive computer services when they make targeted recommendations of information provided by another information content provider, or only limits the liability of interactive computer services when they engage in traditional editorial functions (such as deciding whether to display or withdraw) with regard to such information.”


A regulatory Trojan horse – decrypting calls for a Federal consumer privacy law in the United States

In a keynote speech before the European Parliament in Brussels on 24 October 2018, Tim Cook CEO of Apple called for the implementation of a Federal privacy law, praising the Parliament for its implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”):

“We at Apple are in full support of a comprehensive Federal privacy law in the United States. There, and everywhere, it should be rooted in four essential rights: First, the right to have personal data minimized… Second, the right to knowledge… Third, the right to access… and fourth the right to security.”

Data-driven companies are painfully aware that they need to be seen to take consumer privacy seriously or risk alienating customers. However, they are also aware of the regulatory burden new laws would place on their operations. The result is a covert attempt to undermine state legislative efforts by pushing for superseding Federal privacy laws.

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