The Privacy Perspective launches its Resources page!

TPP is delighted to announce to launch of our Resources pageblack-and-white-blackboard-business-356043.jpg

This page focuses on providing readers with a list of similar sites which provide insightful and topical commentary on privacy law and associated issues such as data privacy, media law, information law and cybersecurity. TPP reproduces these links with thanks and we hope visitors will find them useful.

We foresee this page growing along with our site and it will be updated on a monthly basis.

“Learning is a treasure which will follow its owner everywhere” – a Chinese proverb

Lord Hain’s naming of Sir Phillip Green – using parliamentary privilege to disregard an interim injunction undermines privacy and the rule of law

Many of you will be familiar with Lord Hain’s recent naming of Sir Phillip Green as the beneficiary of a recent successful application for an interim injunction. The interim injunction prohibited the Daily Telegraph and other outlets from naming Green as the subject of a number of extremely serious allegations in the course of his work as a business executive. However, Lord Hain later named Sir Green openly in the House of Lords.

This piece will seek to focus on the inappropriate use of parliamentary privilege to disclose information which would otherwise have been subject to an interim injunction. Continue reading